User overview
User overview
If you click on the user overview you will receive a list of all users that are set up in your client. In this overview you will see the user name and if applicable, the date when the account has expired, and thus the user has no access any more. You will also see whether a user has access to the administration area of WICE and may set the administration rights to other users and whether he may export/import data to/from WICE.
Screenshot: Overview of all user accounts existing in WICE
In the drop-down menu you can select a user group so all or only users who are assigned to the chosen group are shown in the list.
To grant a specific right to a user, click the X, to revoke it again, click on the green hook. To grant a user for example the right to export the contents of an address list in the campaign module a check mark must be set here in the column "Addresses sync (export)". Otherwise this option is not available for the user. To edit a user click on the edit icon next to the user you want to edit. The mask to edit the user appears. To directly edit a user profile of the desired user click on the "PROFILE" link at the user which profile you want to edit. In this masl you can also determine by using the check box at the top if the user himself can make the basic settings for his profile.
Hint: Please keep in mind that users who may not edit their own profile can make no changes to the ownership rights of entries. Therefore, it is important to perform the standard group selection here correctly. |
You can also clone a user. Simply click on the clone icon. A cloned version ot the user will be created. You can then use this cloned user to create another user with similar right settings.
To set or edit the mail account for a user, click on "MAIL ACC." and you enter the input mask to set up or edit the mail accounts of this user.
By cklicking on the trash bin icon next to the user account you can permanently delete this user account! Please note that no information/data entered by the user will be lost/erased or inaccessible when you do this.